Huangpu River, Shanghai, China
12th IEEE BioCAS, October 2016
Hello, and welcome to my website!
My name is Robert Karam, and I am currently a PhD candidate in Computer Engineering at the University of Florida, a research assistant with the Florida Institute for Cyber Security, and biomedical engineer with the L. Stokes Cleveland VA Hospital Advanced Platform Technology Center.
I have diverse research interests in the areas of energy-efficient reconfigurable computing, algorithms and hardware for bioimplantable devices, and hardware security. I have published a number of articles in various international journals and conferences, most notably Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, and the Proceedings of the IEEE. I have also served as a reviewer for several journals, including TCAD, TMSCS, JETCAS, and TETC, and for a number of conferences, including DAC, VLSI Design, and DATE.
You can see some of my older software projects (going as far back as early high school!) on my Projects page, or for my more recent work, see my CV or my Google Scholar profile.
I have recently accepted a tenure-track faculty position in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of South Florida beginning Fall 2017! Go Bulls!
Thanks for stopping by!